The Lenten season has begun! Since becoming a Roman Catholic, Lent has become one of my favorite parts of the year. It is six weeks of self reflection, prayer, and almsgiving. There are those who EVERY Lent give up chocolate, soda, or sweets. While for some that is a great sacrifice, for most it is not.
At the end of Lent, we should be different. We should feel different. It is not just about giving up something, but doing something. Spend time with another person and completely focus on THEM, not you. Do a good deed. Spend more time in prayer or reading uplifting, positive books.
You have six weeks to be a better you and then celebrate it at Easter. Easter is my favorite time of year. If I could choose a time of year to die, it would be during the Easter season. It is filled with hope, faith, and the joy of the Resurrection. The messages during the Easter season are positive and uplifting! He is not dead, He is risen! But before we can rejoice, we must journey through Lent.
What are my plans? I'm going to write. God has given me a talent to write and I need to honor that talent by doing it. I'm spending time in prayer and reflecting on where God is leading me.
I must warn you that the adversary does not like Lent. When we choose to grow closer to God, Lucifer readies for battle. He knows what brings us to anger, what depresses us, what causes us to move away from God. Stand firm and strong, my friend. Do not falter! God will send His angels to protect you. Just ask!
Another "thing" I plan on doing is keeping my blog up to date. So... tomorrow's topic will be Hell. I finished a book written by Mary K Baxter called "A Divine Revelation of Hell". I have my own thoughts about it.
See you tomorrow!
Faith and peace,
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