A week ago I read a book written by a woman about the horrors of hell. According to her, she was visited by Jesus and escorted to hell for 30 nights. At the end, Jesus took her to Heaven for 10 days. I plan on reading the second book -"A Divine Revelation of Heaven". I'm curious why only 10 days.
Back to the subject... the visions Mary had of hell spoke of unending fire, inhuman stench, and an overpowering sense of fear and hopelessness.. There were a handful of individual encounters that intrigued me. There was a man who was preaching the Word of God. Hmmm... why would a preacher be in the depths of hell? Well, apparently this man at some point went from preaching the Word to preaching what was good for him. He led many people away from the Truth. Interestingly enough, according to Mary, those who had been led astray were tormenting this man in hell. Moral of the story... be careful who you follow.
[SIDE NOTE: In my early Catholic years, we had a priest who decided after 25 years of serving the people, he was "owed". He gave beautiful, inspiring homilies at Mass, but he was also leading a separate life. He was living in a house several blocks from the parish and had phone calls forwarded to the house. This man played golf EVERY Tuesday with the Bishop and a couple of priest friends. Not one of them knew he had a separate house or that he was stealing from the parish. He was lying to his Bishop, his friends, his parishioners, and himself. He went from serving to being served. His indiscretions were brought to light and the parish was ripped apart. There were those who blindly believed and followed him and then there were those who sought the truth and found it. Being a "new" Catholic, people were concerned this would make me falter, but my faith and belief was in God, not a man. There are priests that I love and adore, who challenge me to be a better Catholic, but I do not blindly follow them. My hope is in Christ. After reading this book, I wonder if this priest will be like the preacher in hell and will those who defended him be there with them. I pray they will see the Truth and repent.]
The stories in the book spoke of witches and those steeped in the occult, of a woman who was faithful but became hateful and full of vengeance when her husband had an affair. He begged for forgiveness, but she refused. Bitterness enveloped her and she ended up murdering her husband and the woman. One common thread among them was as much as they begged Jesus to forgive them and rescue them (and they sounded sincere), He reminded them they made their choice. They turned from begging and pleading to cursing and swearing at Jesus. I don't know about you, but doesn't help your case to curse Jesus. Mary related the pain and sadness on Jesus' face with each of these encounters.
Jesus keeps promising Mary that He will never leave or forsake her. One night, as they ventured deep into hell, Jesus vanished. She was alone in the depths of hell without her Savior. She was tormented and felt abandoned. It reminded me of the early disciples. They walked with Jesus on a daily basis, lived with Him, and witnessed His miracles. And yet, they didn't grasp what was right there in front on them. Jesus promised Mary he would never forsake her and yet she doubted it. She cried out for him in fear and begged to die. Jesus appeared and relieved her fears.
How often do we doubt the Lord's presence in our lives? Mary was told He wanted her to experience Hell to better lead others away from a life that leads to this unending pain. I almost wrote ...and sorrow, but with each story Mary relates, there is no sorrow. There is only self pity and justification for their sins.
I don't know if Mary truly experienced hell and Heaven. Does it matter? If her books and talks steer people away from the wages of sin, then that is a good thing. I know the Catholic Church teaches there truly is a hell and "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin". (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1864)
I think this needs another day. So tomorrow (or later tonight) will be Hell Part II. Harden not your hearts, my friends, but seek God's face and be kind to one another.
Be well~
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