So... Hell -Part II... I truly believe there is a Heaven and a Hell. The Catholic Church teaches about both. I don't believe you can have one without the other. And to demonstrate how intimately they are connected, we read in the Book of Job, Chapter 1:6-7: "One day, when the sons of God (*angels) came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan, 'Whence do you come?' Then Satan answered, 'From roaming the earth and patrolling it." The same situation/conversation takes place in Chapter 2. How interesting that Satan seemingly strolls into the presence of God along with the angels. This is one of those "inquiring minds" question that I would love to have answered. Does Satan continue to stroll into the presence of the Lord? He is definitely roaming and patrolling the earth! Why does the Lord allow this?
I once had an experience with a demonic "something". It was an overwhelming feeling of darkness. I was alone in a cabin at Girls' Church Camp. It had been an especially inspiring morning and I was putting away my bible when I heard a noise on the top bunk. I was hoping it was a raccoon or squirrel. I stood up and then the noise moved to the lower bunk. As I stood there, darkness, like a thick black cloud, began to envelope the room. Sort of like the Dementors in Harry Potter without the coldness. I said the first thing that popped in my head - In Jesus name I command you to leave! Well I'm here to tell you that actually works!! Instantly the darkness was gone and it was all I could do to NOT to run down the hill to the main meeting area. I thought I would be more frightened than I was, but thanks to Jesus, I felt safe.
So if Hell exists, what can we do to avoid going there? It doesn't sound like somewhere any one would choose to go and yet I believe there will be those who do. For those of us who believe, it is unfathomable someone can look into the loving eyes of God and reject Him. How sad for them.
On the side.... some of you may know that I was raised in the Mormon faith. It has been awhile, but from what I remember, the Mormon faith does not teach about hell. They have "Outer Darkness". It is a complete disconnection with all that is Holy. In short, there are three degrees of Heaven - Celestial (where all faithful Mormons desire to go), Terrestial (where the "good" non-Mormons will go), and Telestial (reserved for the rapists, murderers, evil folks). If it turns out the Mormon Church is true, I, my friends, will be banished to Outer Darkness. That is reserved for the "sons of perdition" -those who knew the truth and rejected it. In the eyes of the Mormon faith, I have committed a more grievous sin than a murderer. Just so you know, I'm not a big fan of the dark. Here's hoping they're wrong.
As you go through your days, your hours, your moments, remember that your choices and actions will be recorded by the angels. Each day, you choose heaven or hell. You follow God or Satan. God loves each and everyone of us: the Christian praying for guidance, the homeless man wandering the streets, the thug carjacking a vehicle, the prostitute selling her body, the average Joe just trying to survive in a crazy world. Love people, see God in them. Choose heaven.
P.S. Please know that I struggle every day with following Christ. I get angry and I can be prideful, but I'm trying. Pray for me as I pray for you. And please pray for those who have no one to pray for them. <3
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