Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!
It is my resolution to keep this blog up to date this year!  I'm a novice at blogging so bear with me.  If you read my blog, I hope you will share it with others.

One of my favorite things about humans is the ability to want a fresh start!  Each January 1st we reflect and promise to do better, be better.  And yet each day we wake up, it is a new chance to leave a positive mark on the world.  Each morning, make that vow to eat better for that day, exercise that day, make someone smile for one day.  If we make this effort just for a day, then the days will turn into weeks, weeks will turn into months and months into years.  We will look back on today and be grateful we started.

I am a writer.  I love writing, but writing is scary. I have dreams of people reading my stories.  Often Fear whispers in my ear that I am not good enough, I have no story to tell.  

I want to be healthy.  Being able to get up without creaking or walk without getting winded would be wonderful.

So when I wake up tomorrow, I am going to get on our elliptical machine for 30 minutes.  And then I will sit at my new writing desk and write for at least 30 minutes.  

What will you do when you wake up tomorrow?

Warmest regards, 